25 Tips on How to Stay Married
1. Always put her first - before work, friends, even basketball. Act as if she's the best thing that ever happened to you, because we all know she is. ( Same goes for ladies ) 2. Keep no secrets. Pool your money. Allow nothing and no one to come between you. 3. Pick your fights with care. Play fair. Show some class. Hurtful words can be forgiven, but they are hard to forget. 4. Fall in love again every day. Kiss her in taxis. Flirt with her at parties. Tell her she is beautiful. Then tell her again. ( Hmmmmmmm ) 5. Never miss an anniversary or a birthday or a chance to make a memory. Memories may not seem important now, but one day they will be gold. ( Guys, note! ) 6. Never give her a practical gift. If she really wants a Shop-Vac, let her pick it out herself. ( I’m not to sure ‘bout this ). 7. Go to church together, and pray every day for each other and your marriage. 8. Pay your bills on time and make sure you each have a living will, a durab...