Re:[Relationships] Should I Take the Risk?

Well, I sincerely didn't think I'd get a response, not to talk of getting someone approve what I wrote about taking some relationship risks. However, I did get this touching and inspiring story (or comment) and I have decided to share (with the person's approval) although the person pleaded anonymity. Please read on. I'm sure it will touch you as it touched me.


Bukola, I am proud of you.

Has it ever crossed your mind that this might just be what God is calling you to.

You have a unique way of writing that sinks well with a Niger mind.

Keep it up girlfriend.

Oh and that of Ruth………….lol. well sometimes we(ladies) have to take risk however stylishly but not deceitfully.

When a guy hangs around you too long without saying anything, there is no harm in asking him what he wants.

Some times we sisters have to be bold (culture and religion not withstanding)

Before my Husband finally wooed me he started coming around asking me out for a date and getting to close for comfort. Lol

But he wasn’t saying anything so one day we went out on a date and I gave him his shocker of his life. I asked him “what do you want from me”

He later confessed that on that day he thought “what boldness” I guess that is one of the things he admires about me lol

Well to tell the truth that boldness came from a bitter experience I had with my ‘ex’

We’ve been on for about a year and I was noticing some nonchalant attitude I confronted him about it and I had the shocker it took me years to recover from. He told me we didn’t have anything going because we didn’t define the relationship and as far as he is concerned we should just remain friends. Oooh how I cried. In my life no guy has ever told me off and I guess that was more painful than the break up itself. Although he ate his word four (4) years later but then God has already given me someone better.

To the ladies:

· Never assume you have anything going if the relationship is not defined

· Never settle for “let’s see how it goes” it either he’s dating you, courting you or just platonic friendship with both parties aware of your stand per time.

· A little boldness will not hurt. It your life/heart we are talking about here and when it is shattered the pieces are left for you to pick up

· Place value on yourself

· And finally “GET A LIFE” a man is not what makes you complete, rather your being complete is most time the major attraction

I think I’ve said too much already. lol


I'm touched! How about you?


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