And His Love...

Forgive me if you don’t share my views or if you think I sound spiritual or old schoolish. But I have a lot of respect for JESUS.

Before I delve into my ‘long’ article, how are you all doing? Long time. How has life been treating y’all? Guess good.

I’ve not blogged for a while now…Been very very busy honestly. God will help these days.

How was our Easter like? Hope you had a reflective one and reviving too. Easter to me is a time to think about LOVE. It should even be Christian’s VAL period.

It’s a time to think of the LOVE of a father for his children…

The love of a brother (Jesus – heir of the father) for his siblings (us – joint heirs with Christ)…

Love of a friend (Jesus) for his persecutors…

What a dear dear LOVER we have in Jesus.

What do see of what Jesus did for you?

Nailing him again or loving him now?

Building a relationship with him now or rejecting him the more?

Sharing with him or talking at him?

Keeping him in you, with you, by you or keeping him in your “book”?

Think on these things, his love, his sacrifice, his pains, his agonies for you…

Think of his enduring, patient, believing, and loving love.

Think of how he was rejected, deserted, ignored, denied for your sake.

How about the loneliness he had to suffer on the cross and in the grave?

That is love, pure, undiluted, unconditional love…the type that money cannot buy.

And his love is life to the lifeless, hope to the hopeless, peace to the troubled, pure to the unclean and his love is everlasting…And his love is incomparable!

Loving him yet?

Happy Easter in arrears.


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