The Gifting Moment

Now now, I really didn't want to write about Valentine's day as there seem to be 'semantics' problem. But then, I thought, when you're in Rome, you behave like Romans. Happy Val's day in advance.

Where's it going to be?
In your room sharing wonderful old times memories or out eating late in a beach front restaurant with a corner reserved for just you 2? Try or It could even be @ the cinema - want to see a few romantic movies at the Galleria? Hmm. Sounds romantic....
Wherever it is, place safe. Just talk, and laugh, and laugh some more. You'll treasure the moment for the rest of your lives.

What's it going to be?
Cakes? Cream? French rice? Italian sauce? Hmm, yummy. Please, please eat healthy - then you won't have to spend thousands of money after Valentine's day is over.

How did you know I need this?
Ha! Got you. It's, hmm, the latest wedge worn in town. No no, it's D&G bag. Oh, it's that nice fragrance advertised on SilverBird TV. Okk okkk, it's the latest 'Wisemen Apparel'. I can't seem to get it. What will my partner treasure? Whatever you choose to buy, buy it simple and unique. You could try hand-craft gifts with your partner's name embroidered on it. It lasts long!

Who should it be?
Your sweetheart will do. Don't think of hanging out with someone else on Val's day and then after Val's day you reconcile with your partner - all in the name of gifts... Remember 'oju kan ni ada ni' (A matchet only has one sharp side - LOL).

What should I say?
I love you today and tomorrow and always and forever....

What should I wear?
Something comfortable and less revealing or seductive (ladies); something macho and all-male (guys).

What else should I do?
Send a romantic text to your partner while you're together (sounds weird); Sing together; laugh together; share some jokes; above all visit motherless babies with gifts on that day. Thank God it'll be on Saturday.

Why do I have to?
Valentines day - meaning gifting day or lovers day - should be an every day thing. Sharing, gifting, loving shouldn't be celebrated one day alone. It should be an everyday affair. So, go out, share, give and show love to others who are not necessarily your might need them tomorrow. Happy lovers' day.


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